Telegram Notifications

How to set up notifications to a Telegram account

1. Open Telegram application, search for the Debouncer Bot

Search for the Debouncer Bot

2. Give “start” command to the Debouncer Bot by clicking “Start” button. You can also type “/start”.

What Debouncer Bot can do

3. Debouncer Bot replies with your Chat ID.

Debouncer Bot replies with your Chat ID

4. Enter this Chat ID in your contact list. Debouncer automatically verifies the validity of the entered identifier.

Add Chat ID to Debouncer contact list

How to set up notifications to a Telegram group

1. Open Telegram application, click group. Expand group

Expand group

2. Click “Add member”

Add member

3. Search for the Debouncer Bot and add it to group

Search for Debouncer Bot

4. Debouncer Bot replies with your Chat ID.

Debouncer Bot replies with your group chat ID

5. Enter this Chat ID, including minus, in your contact list. Debouncer automatically verifies the validity of the entered identifier.

Add group chat ID to Debouncer contact list